Since the original outbreak of Covid-19, many organizations, MBIA included, have been navigating the new world of online services to meet the needs of membership. In line with this, and in efforts to  follow the guidelines in place by Manitoba Public Health, we are happy to announce that MBIA annual walk will take place on Sunday, September 12, 2021 at Assiniboine Park Tent Conservatory with modifications.

“Socially Distanced Walk” 

  •  Participants attending the live walk will be required to Pre-register by filling out a pledge form.
  • Pledge forms can be found on our website on the walk tab under “News and Events”.
  • Pledge forms can also be picked up from the office 204-825 Sherbrook St, Winnipeg, MB R3A 1M5
  • Participants will be asked to check in the morning of the walk at the indicated station and will be asked the
  • Standard health questions before participating.
  • Participants will be asked to keep a safe distance from other walkers and are encouraged to wear a facemasks.
  • If you are part of a designated Team or Group you will be permitted to walk with your social bubble providing some distance is maintained.

Virtual Attendees

  •  Virtual attendees are encouraged to peer fundraise by challenging their supporters to donate, and inviting them to join or create a team via social media.
  • Participants promise to partake in the challenge and raise funds on behalf of MBIA eg. A physical challenge: For every $10 raised, virtual attendee’s commit to climbing flights of stairs, doing a number of push-ups or some other physical feat; 
  •  More information and details to come on guidelines and what to expect on this fun filled day!
  • Participants wanting to support MBIA through the surrounding Winnipeg area please indicate and your contributions will be sent to your designated chapter.

Click here to Download the 2021 Walk Pledge form 2021 Annual Walk – Letter Size Pledge